Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
Blame that Satanic Commi Obongo
Sandy Hook was a set up taking our guns won’t solve today’s crime problems. Gun registration isn’t going to curb crime either. Like a criminal is gonna register the gun he works a crime with just so he can be caught get real we don’t register silverware knives base ball bats or anything with sharp edges or blunt objects so why try to take my gun when society continues to break down and it will don’t come running to my home for us to protect u anti gunners save ur selves with that guy that u allowed to try to take our guns
Obama is the worst president in history,if you go back in time to every thing he has said on camera till now are all lies,he does not salute our troops,he knew our vets were dying,he opened our borders,$#%&!@* that racist islamic pig
“A false flag”???? You tell that to the parents and families of the children that were murdered
There are no “parents” to tell. Check the facts,, NOTHING about that incident was handled with proper police protocol.
I knew this all along told my family the government was behind all of it. he doesn’t care about killing the kids, never did in his country
Got my amusement for the day
Nikki Pearson you are super programmed. You are why our country will fall and our children will pay. Do the world a favor, don’t breed.
Who are you talking to?
Ms Nikki
If you are so educated and you say you server our country then you know the oath you took when you enlisted! You should then know the Constitution of the United States of America. Plus the Bill of Rights. The second amendment protects the rights of the people to bear arms. The first amendment protects our speech. Without one we don’t have the other. The race card isn’t called for here, to use unless you have an issues with it period. It’s not the color of the skin it’s the qualification. I don’t care for the POTUS. He never served in our military and hasn’t in my opinion kept his word in his oath to the constitution. He has gone rogue and needs to be rained in of impeached. No offense to you by any means but you rants seem to be about race and gays. You seem to be just as racist as the people that you say are just in reverse. Because they are white or red or yellow or mixed. We all bleed red and we all will die. I did server our country and if you did you have failed your training in my eyes. May the People of the United States of America stand up and take our country back from this tyrannical government that includes the white people too!!
Makes you wonder.