Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
strange you never see any of the involved families speaking its like everyone shut up otr your dead. the truth is out there!
Anyone commenting here actually live near Newtown??? Probably not…
Yep Obuttmunch is trying to tight up loose ends
The death toll of people exposing truth is staggering.
Got to kill them all off because it never happened
Just like all the murdered Navy Seals who were on the Bin Laden incident
Several of the seals on that raid have been killed.
Obmas’ Cover up !
They are killing off the truth seekers! Must be getting closer to the truth of all the deception that has been handed out by the propaganda media many are being silenced
Sure signs of a conspiracy! They’re coming after us. Look out. Lock your doors. Hide the kids. Prepare the safe rooms and shelters…ooooh