Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
Had not heard on news
Why do our bad politicians muder… seems they have a lt to hide!!
Lol how did u know I would like this?
If anyone thinks our goverment, especailly with Obama at the helm, would not do this, I have some ocean front land in Tennessee I would love to sell you real cheap!
Makes you wonder……
I like to see people getting involved and starting to understand what’s going on. I was on this bandwagon years ago
well you see what i am talking about 49 and in shape and dies suddenly you got to wonder how many more ever body that knows the truth better hide
It’s a small dart gun that uses a poison on the tip,it looks like a little red mark that it leaves but once inside your body it makes you have a heart attack so the autopsy shows that it was a heart attack on death,youtube it,it’s from the 70’s and the CIA admitted to using it back then and I am sure still uses.