Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
Don’t say anything bad about the Government or they will have you snuffed.
Events like this will be exposed IF Obama loses his Power and Office. IF it is clear that a Republican like Donald Trump will be President, then the Criminal Obama Administration, the Obama SS Troops, the Obama Gestapo, will do something really, really, stupid to stay in Power and keep the truth covered up.
@[632107942:2048:Ryan Gearhart]
Apparently he knew things that could have blown the governments narrative.
I keep wondering why we have these these seemingly quiet young men being violent.. just like the recent shooting in Charleston… all white men all under the age of 25..
Oh I am so disturbed, Ha, all of you that were part of that farce should be punished for trying to make us believe that fairytale, you all deserve what God has in store for you.
RIP Maj. Podgorski.