Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
Beth Barnes
??Other Google articles say this happened back in June
It did. No date on this one.
Scandles aren’t real just Obama he and Hillary will tell you the whole truth. Just ask them.
What do you think about this one Paul?
Lies need to be covered. Theres a bunch of loose ends bring cleaned up. Without ever increasing fear whats the point of government? Why should taxpayers support a bloated entity that does nothing?
I have watched a lot of video and looked up stuff only conclusion I can get is false closed 5yrs before the drill
Do you know what the implications would be if it turned out that the government (Obama) staged the whole thing? Especially in an attempt to eradicate the 2nd Amendment? Everyone involved would be guilty of espionage and treason. It would be considered as an aggressive foreign based (the UN) attack on America and on our freedom. It would permanently burn into the minds of Americans exactly how deceptive and tyrannical the government really is. We are already waking up to this fact, and the need is greater than ever to defend our 2nd Amendment rights, in fact, we should be challenging all current gun regulations entirely. We should be allowed to own fully automatic weapons, same as the military, without having to pay to do so. We have never had a lot of faith and trust in the government to begin with, and since Obama took office, and is being allowed to freely break laws at will, and attack our freedoms (like the islamic dictator he is), without any of our elected officials doing anything about it other than talk, our trust has become none existent.
In a speech to the UN, Obama said that the American people are too small minded to govern themselves, and must yield to a one world government. They think we are naive as children, that they can deceive us with child psychology, and that we wouldn’t see what they are doing.
If it really didn’t happen wouldn’t our conservatives with power investigate this and prove it to be not legit. They definitely have the resources to do so. That’s just my take on it. Unless they are all together on this. Hmm!!!