Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
I’ve always wondered about some of these shootings. Now another “mysterious” death of someone who was closely involved. How many more have to die for Obama to get what he wants?
HEY WAKE UP , Is anyone getting the picture yet, other then we who know the truth, and under stand what is going on, hum one dead and another wen t missing , do any of you ever ask what the hell is happening to our countr? I wonder
dick tators wana be..
And the clean up begins
Can’t trust our government… Who is next?
George Faris hummmm
Tell me this all u conspiracy theorists, if it was a plan and didn’t really happen……then where are all the people who were shot? And don’t dare say witness protection because we all know that would be impossible to keep EVERYBODY quiet for this long. Some of the most gullible people in America I have ever seen. If it’s on the Internet then it has to be true, right?
…so you call everyone here who doesn’t believe Sandy Hook was real gullible because they “believe everything that’s on the internet ..while you believe everything that is on television .. that is truly hilarious first of all .. if you believe that a 120 pound kid with Asbergers syndrome went into a school with an AR15 and two pistols and in 11 minutes shot and killed every single one of the 26 people he fired at …all lethal shots .. did not wound a single person ,an untrained young man did this with a 223 . i gotta wonder about your thought process .. because ive spent a lifetime around firearms .. and that scenario .. is very unlikely. now get it through your thick skull .. it never happened.
I’ve heard much on this subject.
Makes you wonder. Yes, I’ve heard that more than once, also. I also heard none of those people actually died. Who knows, the government lies about everything. I believe absolutely nothing they say. Everything is a cover up and farce.