Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
To many people involved to hide a conspiracy PEOPLE REALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think by now the truth would have came out because as you know money talks .I think any one of these people involved would have came forward to any major network an spilled the beans an got paid a lot more money than the feds would have paid them for any role that they would have gotten
Guess what who did what?
Get real. Yall must live in your mother’s basement with tin foil in your head. Stop it.
No we review the facts and do our own searching for the truth, we don’t listen to state run propaganda media
The threat of your whole family being murdered in a horrific way trumps money… Any sum of money. Fact. For people to sit and ignore all of the inconsitancies and puzzling “facts” of this case and not have one iota of doubt I pray you are never on a jury… You will sentence innocent people to death. You may not believe this was not scripted or at the very least used to push an agenda however if you blindly believe the bull$#%&!@* accounts of that day you are a fool. Same for 9/11/01… Too big to cover up? Ignore physics why? I offer no version of the truth I only state that the official stories for both are riddled with guesses inconsistent stories and some things that are just not possible under the laws that govern all matter on our planet. To ignore it all and one better to bash those who dare question the questionable make you the reason people would dare to perform such horrid acts and why people would question things. You are fools and wish to be fooled. The alternative is t ok frightening to imagine. So thank you from all of the rest of us the critical thinkers. We range from “this seems odd” to “aliens did it” however at least we can see B.S. when we see it regardless of where our minds take us from that point. I’d rather deal with a “trigger” than a coward. Especially a coward who puts free thinkers down in the face of blaitant misinformation and odds. So sick of the same replays to all of these threads. Wake up and grow up.
Well said Michael
One more to add to my list of conspiracies
Only mass shooting in US history to be classified. Recently unclassified but all documents were heavily blacked out to the point of being unreadable. Think critically or be lead by the nose. It’s your choice.
And people are just now believing this? He probably ran across something he shouldn’t have and they offed him..kinda like they do to everybody else that finds out classified information.
What a stupid FUCING site