Major William Podgorski, a lead investigator of the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut, has died suddenly of undisclosed causes at 49.
Many people now believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag event engineered to enable the creation of gun control laws.
One investigator, Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, has stated ‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning.’
Come on Nikki you know as well as all of us its not the color that sh*t is played out! He is half white just to set the record straight. He’s running the grand hustle on us all! Just like the guys b4 him he’s a puppet to the bankers and global corporations. They put him in just to play the race card and they want to do the same with Hillary. I put my pants on the same as everyone else and bleed the same color as every other human on this planet! It’s not the everyday white people that keep the black race down. It’s those 1% with money and power in DC! Truth and keeping it 100 right there! Divide we fall United we stand. As for 911 and all the other shootings I don’t believe any of it. Staged and run by agents and groups of government to bring about the control they need to implement a new currency and global government! An to make US ALL SLAVES!
Until then, ummm it mattes to those who are dealing with the repercussions of institutionalized racism, are treated with respect all over – IT MATTERS!
When we have a bunch of people like Nikki, it is refreshing to be able to walk, talk and chew gum, at the same time….or you could be like some people and shine because they are at the bottom of the IQ chain. She should be niggarized, and then perhaps the light might shine through…..
Even if so, he’s still made many laws that anyone with half a brain should have passed over 20 years ago when we knew we could. WE WERE ALL ROBBED BY THE BUSH’s way of doing things. And unless you are doing something to help the current president – STOP COMPLAINING AND PICK UP A SHIFT A 1600 Pennsylvania ave.!
The ignorance is strong with this one.
PATRICK, can’t improve his argument so he’s resorted to name calling! NOT THE SHARPEST OF YALLS BUNCH HUH?
We are very proud to serve under OBAMA’S rules, and more of our friends and family got equal federal rights with him! If you don’t like it, move!
It’s amazing how many people die after they’ve discovered the truth about something.
I helped vote, served in the service for, and will defend against all enemies – but I’m an idiot? Yeah, you are missing the point!
Just an opinion but Nikki is just a troll for the village idiot