There seems to be a trend in people underestimating the threat that ISIS poses to the American people. According to Obama’s various speeches over the past several months, our president has single handedly defeated ISIS nearly ten times. They must not have gotten the memo. Perhaps it’s because he doesn’t see them for the very real threat they are, which would explain why he failed to mention the ten soldiers being held captive in Iran during his State of the Union address and instead chose to focus on problems his administration created, such as inequality, climate change and an economy he continues to douse in gasoline.
His sentiments were echoed by Bernie Sanders, who claimed that President Obama chose not to mention the Navy sailors being held hostage because he wanted to talk about things that were “important” and will “impact this country for decades to come.” Good thinking Bernie, because foreign policy doesn’t matter one bit, ISIS will leave us alone if we pretend they don’t exist . . . not. You can watch Bernie pretending to be a politician in the video below.
Watch Bernie’s interview on the next page:
Ozombies Live in some alternate universe. Fairies and unicorns.
Still have wandering lost, blind, so easily manipulated people that think all is just peachy and the economy has not been propped up for years. People that get offended over telling the TRUTH, that cheer for the president to be lawless and suck up the lies to their faces. Now they want to elect Hillary? According to the law, she should not even be allowed to run for ANY office after what she has been caught doing, and lying about it. The media selectively showcases stories to fit the fed takeover of everything important in your life. People amaze me with their ability to forgive and forget endless lies, deceit, and threats to rights and national security.
Debbie – Yes, I get you can raise yourself to the level of an 8 year old and hurl insults all day long. Answer the question: what tangible measure of success are you looking for?
Hey bernie, , when are you and the other democrats going to take a pay cut to 30 K a year (PRE TAX) and NO Govt. perks ? That would be income equality. Better still Bernie : when can I enjoy a $150.000 base salary =+1,000,000,000 + in various Govt. provided perks and benefits.
If Bernie did get elected (lmao) all those saying feelthebern will definitely be feeling the burn that’s for damn sure.
And Iran is a LEGITIMATE issue.
TRUMP for President VOTE every VOTE counts and makes a difference………FREEDOM……..GOD BLESS USA
Shut up Bernie go get a room at the local old folks home!
Michael Burger I am not so sure about success, but I just wonder WTF they were doing there in the first place? It also seems like a country that we just made a nuke deal with would not be so timid as to have them all on their knees with hands on their heads. Did they think that little boat with 10 men was going to be a threat to their existence? ‘O’ NEVER speaks about when soldiers are held captive unless he can benefit from it. (5 for 1 swap). I am no math genius, but 5 for 1 sounds like a terrible deal, considering he traded 5 terro—– for a deserter. As if they were not cocky enough already, this will empower their egos to think they can get by with more. This whole situation with Iran is a SHAM waiting to happen.