“I’m a Democratic Socialist,” Bernie Sanders told Chuck Todd in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press”. He insisted that he is not a capitalist, but a progressive,an independent and a Democratic Socialist, with an admiration for the socialism of Denmark and Sweden.
And it gets worse…. on page 2.
“democratic- socialist” is actually a conflict in terms.
That a lie … was the leader of the Communist Party , your a communist ..
Ah Chuck Todd The King of Liberalism! It’s tough watching Meat The Press anymore, when you KNOW how Todd’s going to direct the conversation: where’s Tim Russert when we need him?
Poor Bernie! He died some months ago and no one’s told you! His attitude typifies ALL that I dislike about Easterners!
Sanders…your an out of touch ,inbred,elitist,who will never occupy our white house!
From Comments… well said… “I totally agree that Sanders is the only one willing to actually ADMIT what he is. I guarantee you there is absolute zero sliver of daylight between him, obama, clinton, and biden but they all masquerade as something they are not. None of them love this country. None of them believe in the American system. None of them are patriots. At least Sanders admits it. The democratic party is the most unAmerican group of politicians this country has ever seen but yet their useful idiots keep reelecting them in mass.”
And that is why you will not be president…ever
Sanders? We have had enough foolishness!
You’ll never get to be president as you’d really screw up what Obama hasn’t