“I’m a Democratic Socialist,” Bernie Sanders told Chuck Todd in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press”. He insisted that he is not a capitalist, but a progressive,an independent and a Democratic Socialist, with an admiration for the socialism of Denmark and Sweden.
And it gets worse…. on page 2.
that’s nothing to brag about
Which means he believes like Lenin the government owns the businesses. That’s all their saying. Read the Communist Manifesto. It’s relgious idenity theft by genocide and AshkeNAZI conspiracy if you research deep enough. http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-ashkenazi-jews-dna-diseases-20140909-story.html
No, you’re an sshole.
Communist skeletor
Freaking target!
So was the$#%&!@*Party. Think about that for a minute..
We know, captain obvious.
Same as a communist.
So was$#%&!@*
Democratic Socialist? Is that like Liberal Progressive? Let’s just get real and call it what it is — Communism.