“I’m a Democratic Socialist,” Bernie Sanders told Chuck Todd in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press”. He insisted that he is not a capitalist, but a progressive,an independent and a Democratic Socialist, with an admiration for the socialism of Denmark and Sweden.
And it gets worse…. on page 2.
No one want you socialist
You Bernie, are a$#%&!@*with ears.
Today, Democrat and Socialist are very much the same.
Google: ” The Seven Quotes of Adolf$#%&!@*.
And you will never be president.
Have you read Obama America pubished 2012 and America published 2014 by Dinesh D’Souza, it tells in there what he was going to do to America and it has happened and why…and why he wants Hillary to win. Hillary is in on this too! There both going to destroy us. It tell in them how they both where mentored by a Saul alinsky in Chicago.His goal was to down size America and showed them what needed to be done. He hated America the way it was. He never got to see it happen because he died in 1972.. So Hillary is to finish what Obama hasn’t finished.. mass destruction of debt is one so America collaspes. THERE BOTH EVIL,LIKE$#%&!@* JUST SAW A VIDEO OF A SEMI TRUCK GOT STOPPED IN TEXAS AND 35 ILLEGALS WAS SMUGGLED INTO U.S. THEY WERE ALL MEN…REPORTS OF BUSES COMING INTO OKLAHOMA AND TEXAS FULL OF REFUGEES..VIDEOS ON BOTH OF THESE. ITS GOING TO TAKE EVERY AMERICAN TO VOTE FOR TRUMP IF YOU WANT YOUR COUNTRY BACK. HE IS THE ONLY ONE TOUGH ENOUGH TO TAKE ON OBAMA. OBAMA WILL GET ALL THESE ILLEGALS TO VOTE FOR HILLARY,WHO SHOULD BE IN JAIL. VOTE FOR TRUMP,IF NOT THAN YOUR VOTING DEATH TO AMERICA! #DONALDTRUMPFORPRESIDENT #2016