“I’m a Democratic Socialist,” Bernie Sanders told Chuck Todd in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press”. He insisted that he is not a capitalist, but a progressive,an independent and a Democratic Socialist, with an admiration for the socialism of Denmark and Sweden.
And it gets worse…. on page 2.
You are an idiot who thinks money grows on trees.
I can remember my Parents being sooo worried about Communist taking over our Country. This was in the late fifties and early sixties. Russia was a big threat and I still remember Kruchef taking his shoe and pounding that desk with it . People was outraged over this. Think it was during Eisenhowers Term.
Socialism is what FAILED in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. It is failing in Western Europe. It has failed EVERYWHERE it has been tried!
It’s too bad people don’t understand what that is.
He forgot to add moron.
Fyi: The$#%&!@*s were National Socialists.
they used to hang communists maybe some day they will start doing it again
That means he is a communist.
No… Your an old loon.
Your a old hippie crank.