“I’m a Democratic Socialist,” Bernie Sanders told Chuck Todd in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press”. He insisted that he is not a capitalist, but a progressive,an independent and a Democratic Socialist, with an admiration for the socialism of Denmark and Sweden.
And it gets worse…. on page 2.
Ummmm….there is no democracy in socialism Bernie. And it has universally failed everywhere in the world.
No you are not a socialist you have studied cmmunism and are one. just like a communist to lie and say he is something he is not!
His is a cowardly idiot. Just another example of an aged old hippie who the idiots in our nation voted for.
Put a tuxedo on a goat it is still a communist goat
He reminds me of a dirty old man who preys on children!
your a fu–ing democrat
Same as communist
Social Democrat is a word constructed to dupe people into voting for communists. You are splitting hairs!
no youre a man who is against america