“I’m a Democratic Socialist,” Bernie Sanders told Chuck Todd in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press”. He insisted that he is not a capitalist, but a progressive,an independent and a Democratic Socialist, with an admiration for the socialism of Denmark and Sweden.
And it gets worse…. on page 2.
And there lies the problem
That’s pre-communist you old$#%&!@*
Also an IDIOT !
Now we know
Full blown Communist !
No, be honest Bernie, you are a Communist and so is your agenda.
Jamie Bobo – there is a fine line between socialism and communism it depends on how far you want to take it .stalin and$#%&!@*both murder their own people .yes i have read both Marx and Engles and like i said there is a fine line . its a mad mans theory .
So were the$#%&!@*s.