Sanders Campaign Workers Admit To Voter Fraud

It says a great deal about these Sanders supporters that they felt at ease enough to brag about breaking state election law. It also says a lot about them that they were willing to twist the definition of “domicile” enough so that they could include the campaign’s New Hampshire headquarters as one. No wonder people think Sanders voters are entitled brats who don’t think the rules apply to them.

“Palma emphatically states in the video that he planned to leave New Hampshire — which he called a ‘shit show’ — on Feb. 13, the day after the primary, which Sanders won by a landslide.

Donna Waterman, a Sanders campaign staffer, also listed the campaign office as her home address, O’Keefe found. During an exchange with the PVA journalist, she too explained how to register to vote by claiming domicile status. She also said that she was not sure whether the scheme was legal.

‘If you have a piece of mail sent here, you can register the day-of,’ Waterman said, adding that ‘you can send it to the office, that’s what Hugo did.’

She later said that she did not ‘know the legality of it.’

Waterman also explained that most others in the office were claiming domicile ‘even though that’s not true’ and ‘even though we are not planning on coming back.’

‘It’s super super easy to register in New Hampshire, because you bring in a piece of mail and that’s claiming domicile,’ she said.”

Source: Daily Caller



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