For Americans who support law enforcement and trust them to safeguard both their liberties and their well-being, it is disheartening to hear officers say that the way to protect the latter is by curtailing the former.
San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia is one such officer, as he revealed in an interview with San Jose Inside. Asked about the topics of the day, Garcia not only expressed support for the controversial Black Lives Matter movement, but also voiced opposition to laws allowing Americans to own firearms for their protection.
As one might be wont to point out, a majority of law enforcement officers believe that Americans should retain the right to bear arms, meaning that Garcia is clearly in the minority on the issue. However, his position as chief of police for the 10th largest city in the country means that his opinion will carry weight among the uninformed and be cited by liberals as support for their anti-gun agenda.
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Wait until the c**p hits the fan, then u will be glad….whoops, this is Cailf. Where the thus have them. Oh well.
No we don’t need gun control – we need idiot and criminal control; you’re a police officer, if you’re so worried about there being too many guns then get out there and arrest some of the criminals. Guns are not the problem – you can put a gun down on the table and it will stay in the same place forever – it’s not something that gets up and goes out to a park or playground and shoots itself; that’s the problem with you idiot liberals – you think that just because someone carries a gun (someone who keeps it for protection) that they are automatically bad; guns are not the problem, it’s the select idiots who use them for bad intensions, it’s the human defect, the gun is just an inanimate object.
You need less liberals ! Dumbass !
Can’t fix stupid on the Left Coast.
No, your department sucks, and you suck as a chief. Do your job. Enforce the law and arrest the gang the members. Have ICE deport gang members who are here illegally. Do your job.
No sir, actually what we need to do is to get rid of people like you! Remove all anti-constitution, anti-2nd amendment people from all positions of power! Replace them with real Constitutionalists! Those who will actually do the job they were hired to do. Uphold & defend the Constitution and to protect and serve!
You need to take them from the criminals!!!…
You give your guns up and there will be less guns. But I will keep mine. Oh, Ya don’t like that? You meant for us to give our guns up and you keep your guns, huh? Sorry , that’s not going to happen as long as I’m alive, And it don’t matter what law is passed. As far as I’m concerned, I will be fully justified to defend with my guns the right to keep my guns. The constitution trumps any law made. Any attempt to take my rights is a declaration of war and shall be treated as such. If by some chance my guns were to be confiscated, then we will have to become illegal and our guns will have a illegal sanctuary. Lol
Take them away from the thugs not good citizens
But of course, he and his officers would be exempt from any such laws. Wake up sheeple.