For Americans who support law enforcement and trust them to safeguard both their liberties and their well-being, it is disheartening to hear officers say that the way to protect the latter is by curtailing the former.
San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia is one such officer, as he revealed in an interview with San Jose Inside. Asked about the topics of the day, Garcia not only expressed support for the controversial Black Lives Matter movement, but also voiced opposition to laws allowing Americans to own firearms for their protection.
As one might be wont to point out, a majority of law enforcement officers believe that Americans should retain the right to bear arms, meaning that Garcia is clearly in the minority on the issue. However, his position as chief of police for the 10th largest city in the country means that his opinion will carry weight among the uninformed and be cited by liberals as support for their anti-gun agenda.
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Sorry stupid
So exactly how many of those guns you are seeing on the streets, are obtained legally?
Meth, cocaine, and marijuana are illegal to possess, so, as a cop, I’m sure you don’t find any of THAT on the street, right?
Typical California Liberal!!
This police chief is a traitor. Fire the piece of s**t
And you think that more gun control on law abiding citizens well slove the problem bad guys don’t respect the laws you think they well respect more gun control bream on .
That would be dream on .
Actually there’s way too many gun grab psy-ops. The rest of us are law abiding, responsible citizens with a God-given right to self presrvation. And that requires the ability to repel ANY threat!
We need more nuts control! (Crazy people).
What an idiot! He knows better! Does he think that all the gangs and illegals in California will abide by the insane call and passage of gun Control! How insane is this proposal, no gun has ever killed anyone, Ever! There has always been a deranged or evil person behind it! Address the real problem that these days no one takes or is required to take responsibility for their own Actions! The penalties don’t fit the crimes. We have made prison to be holiday residents with color tv’s, weight rooms, libraries, telephones, congecal visits that these fellows really don’t worry about revisiting! Who in their right minds finds this ironic! True thugs, rapist, killers cannot be rehabilitated! They only come out worse than they went in. True gun owners and sportsmen use guns as they were intended, sports shooting, hunting and to defend themselves and their families! Guns are a tool nothing more, nor anything less than knives, hammers, cars, bombs.
Another liberal idiot!