After massive protests in Albuquerque, Anaheim, Costa Mesa, and San Diego, one would think that San Jose would have been prepared for anti-Trump violence when the billionaire businessman came to town. After chaos enveloped the city, however, many accused the police force of being ill-prepared for the political rally.
Now there are reports that the police’s inability to control the mayhem was no accident. Instead, they let the conditions on the ground deteriorate in order to further smear the reputation of Donald Trump.The mayor of San Jose has already attempted this spin, blaming Trump for the violence that began at the hands of his protectors.
The mayor of San Jose has already attempted this spin, blaming Trump for the violence that began at the hands of his protectors. The most recent reports imply that the San Jose Police Cheif was complicit in the plan, as well.
Why would the town’s top cop let his city fall to ruin? Continue reading on the next page to find out:
I Agree…but they both are accused 1 or not signing marriage certificates for gays the other not protecting the citizens of San Jose as they watch Trump supporters get attacked ….if they willing to put a Christian lady in jail for something small this jose police chief and his liberal nutt case Mayor and poor excuse of governor should all be put underneath the prison
There are a lot of worthless scum bags in positions of power these days.
That police chief is as much a terrorists as those protesting. He wanted to happen and did not stop it.
i define marriage as being between male and female.there are only 2 genders,also.
They should all be deported officials or not
We can’t consider the possible bias of this police chief — just like we can’t consider the possible bias of judge Gonzalo P. Curiel — shame on us!
So not a surprise the police let the roits take place because they are liberal.
Agreed XX. Xy. Chromosomes there is no other if you want be something your not that’s your decision but you can’t change the law to fit your perverted agenda
the SOB is Anti-American fire hil for conduct unbecoming an officer of the law
he needs to go to jail.