Cities run by Liberal policies in the United States have been rotting from the inside out and there is not a single sober statistic that says otherwise. Many of these cities were once the precious jewels of the US with burgeoning tourism and a bustling society of go-getters, people with the wind at their backs as they pursued the American Dream.
Sadly, that is not the case now. These cities of squalor and decay have looked more and more like the fictional King’s Landing of the Game of Thrones than of the greatness of America, with the very wealthy on the high end of the palace grounds and the hapless serfs in Flea Bottom. San Francisco’s crime index versus most of its neighbors is grossly bloated and seriously underfunded.
Courtesy of
Politicians in these towns struggle with a colossus of forces working against them; from mass homelessness (the highest in its long and storied history) to recent crime spiking out of control. Many wonder what to do in order to combat these social issues, but appear to be at a loss for answers.
The long list of 2020 Democratic candidates for office have, by and large, stayed notably quiet about these problems, and for good reason. Acknowledging these rampant social issues would be tantamount to admitting that there is a problem in the first place and that’s a subject matter that must be avoided at all costs, especially in an important election cycle.
The city officials who have called on the press to make these issues front and center have also been largely met with a muted response. Many of those in the mainstream media are much more interested in making these 2020 superheroes look like rock stars. What to do?
San Francisco officials think that they have come up with a partial solution.
Fox News:
Crime-ridden San Francisco has introduced new sanitized language for criminals, getting rid of words such as “offender” and “addict” while changing “convicted felon” to “justice-involved person.”
The Board of Supervisors adopted the changes last month even as the city reels from one of the highest crime rates in the country and staggering inequality exemplified by pervasive homelessness alongside Silicon Valley wealth.According to the San Francisco Chronicle, from now on a convicted felon or an offender released from custody will be known as a “formerly incarcerated person,” or a “justice-involved” person or just a “returning resident.”
A juvenile “delinquent” will now be called a “young person with justice system involvement,” or a “young person impacted by the juvenile justice system.”
And drug addicts or substance abusers, meanwhile, will become “a person with a history of substance use.”
The sanitized language, though unlikely to do much to address the crime problem, may result in some convoluted descriptions of crimes in the future.
The crime and homeless situations in cities like San Francisco have reached critical mass. The new adoption of code language as a remedy for these problems is the equivalent of placing a band-aid on a sliced carotid artery.
It may just be time for a change in the old guard in California…one that might actually result in more traditional and effective ways of helping quell crime and solve homelessness.
Source: Fox News /