San Francisco Lawmakers Designate NRA as “Domestic Terrorist Organization”

San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors may be busy presuming to know what is good for the rest of the country, but they are sorely underprepared and certainly unwilling (at the very least) to remedy the unending issues that plague their very streets.

Take, for instance, their unwillingness to acknowledge the fact that their school systems have taken a major blow in funding through their budget cuts due to the homeless crisis, one of the worst in the nation. Add on top of that the fact that San Francisco county was rated in 2017 as the very worst in black student achievement. It is truly a place where racism is alive and well in its push for more illegal immigration influx that necessarily drives the attention and detail that teachers should be placing on the African-American student in other directions.

Parents from San Francisco’s Bayview neighborhood gathered around school cafeteria tables and listened as administrators delivered a hopeful message: Their children, who all attend Charles R. Drew Preparatory Academy, one of the city’s few schools serving mostly black students, were already on track to do better on next year’s state tests.

But the staff didn’t tell the parents about this year’s results, even though the recent meeting had been billed as a forum to discuss the scores, which the state published online several weeks ago. Those results present a much different picture. Nine out of 10 black students at the school had failed reading and math exams.

As well, petty crime has absolutely skyrocketed. Statistics that include a sharp rise in car theft, burglaries, arson, assault, and identity theft (illegal immigrants purchasing fake IDs in back alley transactions) point to issues that this distracted Board of Supervisors is seemingly refusing to acknowledge.

One wonders what it will take before Democrats in the Bay Area begin to realize the joke of being Woke has been nothing but a joke on them.  When will they start to back away from the Leftist lurch that has given them nothing but financial heartache and a broken society?

Source: Breitbart / SFGate / Cal Matters


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