Liberals subscribe to magical thinking, believing that free college tuition and free health care to illegals will somehow end up a net win for the public. But reality often intrudes on this magical thinking like a big pimple on the end of your nose, and it is painful and unsightly. In this case, the laws of economics are intruding into the magical thinking of liberal politicians in San Francisco (as if there were any other kind there), and it is a growing problem.
San Francisco has declared that the minimum wage in the city, now being replicated in several other fact-challenged cities, will rise to $15 by 2018, and polls there predict happy, better-paid workers who will finally have a “living wage.” They have also insisted that this will not increase inflation and that it will be a boon to the minimum wage worker. That is a lie. And the impact is just now showing up as the first mandated rise from $10.74 to $12.25 is being implemented by certain retailers.
See who is raising prices in San Francisco, page 2:
Killing jobs is what libs do best….
now, everything will go up accordingly…… back to square one….. and since when did working for a fast food joint become a total career path???
Bobby Deshotel Can you post some links to back up your statement about Australia?
Chipotle’s is the only fast food place that has promised to use natural non-GMO ingredients. Many people think that’s why they got sabotaged several times by somebody working for competitors deliberately contaminating their food with E. coli. Chipotle’s also seems to have relatively happy and somewhat older workers than other fast food places. I assumed that was because they have a somewhat higher pay scale than the other places. But bouncing the minimum of 50% just slams the brakes on everything. Something has to give.
Correct. And poorly paid immigrants “back in the day” would live several people to a room, pool their resources, and claw their way up the economic ladder. Right now many immigrants and average high school graduates (which are like middle school students in Europe because of our dumbed-down public school system, with highly overly paid executives and retirees at the top) seem to just want to be handed the middle-class American lifestyle of 30 years ago as soon as they show up here. And the politicians outrageous pandering to them is going to continue to drive this country down, along with all the other things that is driving it down.
Peter D. Blair While I agree with you in spirit and I don’t think a universal living wage would ever get passed, and I would hate to see what it would do to the motivation of a society in which many people are far too lacking in initiative already … I do think you’re mistaken about saying the US doesn’t have the revenue. If the US would immediately stop all of his unconstitutional overseas “police actions”, we could cut public spending by 30 to 40%. 10% of US oil consumption goes to the military to run its ships, planes, trucks and subs. A substantial portion of US electricity is also being used by the military. Unless you look at the numbers you have no idea how disproportionate is our military apparatus compared everything else that we need to spend money on. Our military budget is bigger than that of the next 20 or 25 countries combined. The tail (the defense industry) is wagging the dog. Defense contractors laugh all the way to the bank everyday at how naïve and manipulable the American people are. All they have to do is pay or brainwash one poor sap into trying to set his underwear on fire on a plane and the rest of us happily stand in line to have ourselves and our kids and our grandmothers molested or irradiated.
Joe Stark The companies that keep making kiosks that don’t work will go out of business. Many factories have indeed largely replaced assembly-line workers with assembly-line robots. Amazon is looking at using drones to deliver stuff. they’ll charge a premium for that at first, like early adopters always pay a premium. But eventually what was “fancy” and “extra” will become standard. Kinda like cell/car phones?
Corporate greed?
Capitalism is simply free people, and their money. It’s really the stupidest word ever, very much like me declaring ‘airism’ is a thing because I breathe air.
The word was made up by a communist trying to run us down, because ‘freedomism’ doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. A stone age man saving seed corn for next year’s crop is practicing capitalism. The seed corn is his capital. What if he trades some? Is he then a filthy profiteer?
It took you a few hundred years, but you’ve finally created the narrative that ‘capitalism’ is something that people could possibly be against. It’s about as stupid as being against walking, or sitting, or existing while free to spend your money.
You should spare us the BS, and just get to how much you want to raise my taxes and the list of things you want to forbid me to do, which is all it has ever been about. You’re the King’s man, and you really believe that the King owns everything, including me, and I am lucky he (and you) allow me to exist in the first place. It’s a messed up way of thinking, and I don’t know if you can be saved or not.