Liberals subscribe to magical thinking, believing that free college tuition and free health care to illegals will somehow end up a net win for the public. But reality often intrudes on this magical thinking like a big pimple on the end of your nose, and it is painful and unsightly. In this case, the laws of economics are intruding into the magical thinking of liberal politicians in San Francisco (as if there were any other kind there), and it is a growing problem.
San Francisco has declared that the minimum wage in the city, now being replicated in several other fact-challenged cities, will rise to $15 by 2018, and polls there predict happy, better-paid workers who will finally have a “living wage.” They have also insisted that this will not increase inflation and that it will be a boon to the minimum wage worker. That is a lie. And the impact is just now showing up as the first mandated rise from $10.74 to $12.25 is being implemented by certain retailers.
See who is raising prices in San Francisco, page 2:
I made 1.84 an hr when I started working in ’67. When I finally got to retire, I was making 3$ an hr. That wasn’t too very long ago either.
Simpleton solutions always have unintended consequences.
I demand a living wage….whoops…my living wage interferes with my welfare benefits and I need you to cut my hours back~~
Lmao. Chipotle is a left leaning company as bad as Starbucks. They have to raise their prices because they helped push this through this fiasco. Who would have thought? Lol, just everyone with common sense. What’s the matter Chipotle? Why don’t you just take less profits?
The minimum wage has always been an economists nightmare since it distorts the entire concept of supply and demand and naturally derived labor pricing for value received. Rather than employers paying a wage that reflects the value added by the employee in an open market, liberal politicians always want to demand that workers be paid what they deem is “fair.” The problem is that economics can only reflect “what is,” not what is fair. In that sense, the entire disruption of the market and unrealistic minimum wage rules is just beginning. But the result is inevitable. Higher prices, higher unemployment, fewer entry level jobs, greater inflation, lower business profits, and damage to the economy. Thanks, liberals, your work here is done.
Start eating at HOME
Brain dead liberals.
Was this even a question?
The consumer always pays the difference idiots.
Then they wonder why a gallon of milk cost 5 bucks.
Cause your paying the milkman 20 dollars a hour to deliver your milk lol.
See charging customers more to pay for it. I say don’t eat there at all, thru lay off and eventually close. Bing, bang, bong.