Liberals subscribe to magical thinking, believing that free college tuition and free health care to illegals will somehow end up a net win for the public. But reality often intrudes on this magical thinking like a big pimple on the end of your nose, and it is painful and unsightly. In this case, the laws of economics are intruding into the magical thinking of liberal politicians in San Francisco (as if there were any other kind there), and it is a growing problem.
San Francisco has declared that the minimum wage in the city, now being replicated in several other fact-challenged cities, will rise to $15 by 2018, and polls there predict happy, better-paid workers who will finally have a “living wage.” They have also insisted that this will not increase inflation and that it will be a boon to the minimum wage worker. That is a lie. And the impact is just now showing up as the first mandated rise from $10.74 to $12.25 is being implemented by certain retailers.
See who is raising prices in San Francisco, page 2:
first you have to be able to spell, economics,,,, these pathetic air heads can spell free,,, momma and drugs,,, yeppey!
Automation will come in and eliminate most of fast food jobs.
Well, of course!
they shoul go up 50 % oh and food down 50% that’s soubd good to some th
Companies are not going to loose money! Plain and simple!
See how it works!! Chipotles still trying to recoup after major food problem. Now what. AND everyone gets a trophy in school even the losers. Nolonger valedictorians for working hard. Nice huh! Hope noone eats the slop you are spitting on with disrespect and maybe at that point you lazy mentals can learn to dig ditches for free.Whiners
Yay now you will be able to go to the grocery store in San Francisco and spend 20dollars on a gallon of milk!
It not brain surgery. You raise the cost to manufacture the product the cost of the product goes up. And since the entire chain cost increases the final product can go up as much as 50%.
Truely is proof that all those drugs in the 60’s did kill brain cells.
That is how it works with all companies. All expenses go on that line and when prices are figured, the new taxes and other new expenses get figured in. That is how it works folks. That is why taxes need to be lowered, not raised on companies.