Hillary Clinton cancelled her planned appearance in San Diego after protesters made it clear she was unwelcome in the city.
Clinton will be the keynote speaker for the 17th Annual Western Healthcare Leadership Academy on April 11. She was originally going to deliver the speech in person, but will now be seen by satellite.The three day event will be being held at the San Diego Convention Center with 700 people expected to attend.
Jan Iverson created an organization called “The Difference Matters” to protest Mrs. Clinton’s quest for the presidency, because of her role in Benghazi.
“She is not welcome here in San Diego by so many of us. We don’t want her here,” said Iverson.
Pat Smith lost her son, Sean Smith, during an attack in Benghazi and plans to be at the center of the protest, Iverson said.
“Working with her is gratifying, and it spurs on what we are doing,” Iverson said.
Dr. Ted Mazer believes people should put politics aside, because Clinton is well versed on the hottest topic at the conference.
Source: Fox5 SanDiego
If she is elected, our country is in for a rude awaking, and it want be pretty. All the things she has been involved in, and there are people out there who want her as leader of our country, she can’t even tell the truth about anything that has gone on now. What makes you think she will conduct herself any different if she becomes president, or are all of you that stupid, that is don’t matter to you.
the uninformed are too stupid to know that there are stupid
She needs to own up to what happened if she hopes for a chance. Not say it already over,lets move on, if the shoe were on the other foot and were here relatives. What would she do .
Ugly Witch Walking…Call out the Witch Patrol.
Great, the Butcher of Benghazi should be held accountable and sent to prison for perjury and murder.
Does that mean she’ll leave America, if we show her she’s no longer ‘welcome’ here?
That’s just shameful!The saddest part is that stupid people are already lining up to vote for her even though they know how sick and crooked she is!
good for them keep that murderer off your campass them libtards at berkley might take her