Buried within the fine print of the privacy policy of the Samsung’s SmartTv is the admission that the TVs not only record everything that is said in the room, it sends this information to a third party.
Yes, your TV is literally spying on you.
The statement reads, “Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party.”
boycott samsung
What the $#%&!@* is that about!
there were allegations clear back in the ’80s that the new tvs and computers being manufactured back then had hidden cameras, microphones and tranceivers in them. and we all know that with ALL technology we find out 20-40yrs laters that our gov’t has had it and has been using it all along on us/against us!!! wake up people! time for taking our country back and ousting ALL the Usurpers!! Every Last One of Them!!!
Long live Big Brother!
I don’t understand how this can happen. What do they do with the information?
Well armed American militias on the rise as faith in government evaporates
simple to avoid : dont buy their electronic eves dropping chinese made s**t
It’s why I’m mostly ”off the grid”. My television is a 20-year-old relic with a tube and VCR player, which I still use weekly. My cell phone is not a Smartphone, but has internet capabilities. My car is 17 years old, so nothing to mark my movement. So, no monitoring me, for the most part. I’m basically one person left alone, unless I need to go to the store to ”stock up on necessities”. Other than that, I’m relatively obscure for someone living in a medium-sized metropolitan area.
don’t have one nor want one
Creepy. Certainly not on my list.