I once heard some crazy vegan hippy tell me that the Moon God was against people eating animal products. That’s all I’m going to tell of that tale and how that acquaintance was even formed as there is an even more important topic at hand.
Why don’t we have to cater to vegans the same way we have to cater to Muslims about their beef with pork?
I’ve also heard more than a few Muslims say that eating pork in their vicinity is incredibly offensive. And the response I could give that crazy hippy sadistically depriving himself of meat and the Muslim NeverPorkers congregating near all the RINO NeverTrumpers these days are worlds apart, if I were politically correct and unafraid of Antifa that is…
You see despite all this hysteria rampant these days – we still live in America. And last I checked, despite the treacherous reign of Obama, freedom of speech is still a constitutionally protected right.
Well, they’ve just takin things one step further than anyone should ever let things slide in their countries. More on the next page on what’s all really going on and what those damn PC Nazi’s are doing to kids right now in Salzburg Austria.
Stop the madness!
That’s okay, they will get it at home if they like…
Mark 7:15. Eat pork.
If you give a Muslim a cookie, he’ll complain that it isn’t halal and demand that you provide one that is.
If you give a Muslim a Halal cookie, he’ll demand that you give him a job so he can buy his own cookies.
If you give a Muslim a job, he’ll demand you give him time out to pray.
If you give a Muslim time out to pray, he’ll demand that you respect his prophet.
If you show respect for his prophet, a Muslim will demand that you stop singing your National Anthem.
If you stop singing your National Anthem, a Muslim will demand that you elect him to Congress.
If you elect a Muslim to Congress, he’ll demand that we change our Constitution, so we are no longer allowed to speak freely or have guns or worship the god of our choice (or not any god at all).
If we change the Constitution to what a Muslim demands, he will demand that Sharia Law be followed by everyone in the land.
If Sharia is followed by everyone in the land, then Muslims will be permitted by law to execute anyone who disagrees with them or does not dress like them or does not worship Allah.
Congress, you gave a Muslim a cookie.
This is Austria.
It applies every where because this is a globalist plan, it is not localized to just one country.
They have no right telling you what you feed your child and what they bring to school! This is not$#%&!@*Germany! Tell them to shove it!
Screw them bastards
When they shut up so will I until then it’s on…!!@@
So stop it. Parents have rights and have voices.