I once heard some crazy vegan hippy tell me that the Moon God was against people eating animal products. That’s all I’m going to tell of that tale and how that acquaintance was even formed as there is an even more important topic at hand.
Why don’t we have to cater to vegans the same way we have to cater to Muslims about their beef with pork?
I’ve also heard more than a few Muslims say that eating pork in their vicinity is incredibly offensive. And the response I could give that crazy hippy sadistically depriving himself of meat and the Muslim NeverPorkers congregating near all the RINO NeverTrumpers these days are worlds apart, if I were politically correct and unafraid of Antifa that is…
You see despite all this hysteria rampant these days – we still live in America. And last I checked, despite the treacherous reign of Obama, freedom of speech is still a constitutionally protected right.
Well, they’ve just takin things one step further than anyone should ever let things slide in their countries. More on the next page on what’s all really going on and what those damn PC Nazi’s are doing to kids right now in Salzburg Austria.
Noticed you had to make a few changes. And I apologize for pointing out but anything worth doing is worth doing well so henceforth at the end of the day make a point to try to focus and learn for what I could do better tomorrow despite being overall a bit scatterbrained for lack of a better word. I know you have to go through a lot of stories everyday so completely understand if don’t happen to recall the particulars for this one – but were the issues too ADD or all over the place or inappropriate or didn’t make sense or what have you? Thanks!
Tell the moon God he should have a some pulled pork…yummy
This is stupid!
No one should be eating any pig products.
Maybe that moron should pull his own “pork”. 😉
That’s a shame, because everyone deserves a good jaegerschnitzel now and then. But this is part of their tactics: get to the kids young and brainwash them so they don’t know any better and won’t question their indoctrination.
The only reason to avoid pork products is because your idea of cooking is to lightly warm your food over a pile of burning camel dung.