The problem with the Left is they take themselves seriously, and they are so earnest in their guilt. In his Salon article, Frank Joyce is about as far out as a Lefty can get, but there will be many “progressives” who accept his liberal tripe and burn with shame for their accomplishments. Of course, the favorite topic of such intellectual fools is the crime of racism, which they see in every corner and in each act of life. Joyce is a white, simpering liberal, ashamed of the United States, of our successes, of our icons, of anything that might suggest that this is an exceptional country, which it turns out is the dreamed-of destination of most of the world, be they black, brown, or other.
Joyce’s screed would be more difficult to take if it were historically accurate, but that is not the case. Rather than acknowledge, for example, that slavery has been a constant throughout history, practiced by conquerors of most lands, he somehow suggests that our history of slavery is “unique”, which of course means more odious and horrible.
In fact, much of American slavery had a much more benign outcome than the rest of the contemporaneous world, and to deny that hundreds of thousands of Americans died to change the system is to ignore that there was something special in the founding documents promising freedom and equality for all.
Liberal tripe exposed, page 2:
Get over yourselves people! Get a real life if your own!
Blacks are the only killing
White men gave BIRTH to this nation
lets start by executing all the whiteys at salon?
As usual they forget to place any blame on the warring tribes who invaded other tribes and sold them into slavery in the first place. As usual the don’t bother to mention that this practice CONTINUES TODAY IN LIBYA. As Usual they forget to mention that it is NOT WHITE MEN DOING THIS BUT BLACK AFRICANS AND MUSLIMS.
I remember the good ol’ day, when salon was where women had their hair done.
I’m sorry you miss your grass huts, communication logs and assault spears.
Ohhh my goosh.. get over the slavery issue in this country, it does NOT exsist.. now in other countries, it’s a different story.. Lybia , ya know that courtyard that IS selling children into slavery ?? Smh