Ryan Lochte Charged With Filing False Police Report

The police transcripts show that Ryan Lochte and his teammates were never questioned about a vandalized bathroom, nor does it show that they were held at gun point.  USA Today has uncovered that the trashed bathroom story was fabricated and holds no truth.  It appears the entire incident was a shake down by authorities.

Brazilian authorities held Jimmy Feigen “hostage” unless he gave them $50,000.  Add this to the evidence that the police fabricated the story that the four American swimmers vandalized and destroyed the bathroom at the gas station where they were robbed at gun point and the entire story smells like a rat.

Feigen was pulled from the plane as he was trying to return home and held by the Brazilian authorities until he eventually paid $10,800 to gain his freedom.  Nothing in the story adds up, except the pile of money the police swindled out of Feigen.

The story is a complete fairy-tale made up by the police.  Feigen has reported that they never entered the bathroom at the gas station and USA Today has debunked the report that there was ever any damage.

Police transcripts state that none of the swimmers were held at gun-point, but the four Americans content they were robbed.  The “Brazilian authorities maintain the stance that having your money taken at gunpoint in Brazil is not robbery. It is instead simply a form of negotiating.”

The saga of the swimmer and the robbery-that-wasn’t continues: Ryan Lochte has been charged with filing a false police report.

The charge carries a penalty of up to 18 months in prison and Lochte could be tried in absentia, Lulu says. She notes that the U.S. has an extradition treaty with Brazil but that it’s unlikely Lochte would be sent there if convicted.

“There was no robbery,” Rio de Janeiro Civil Police Chief Fernando Veloso said. Video showed the swimmers stopping at a gas station, as NPR reported:

“Referring to that video, Veloso says multiple witnesses have described a scene in which the swimmers vandalized the bathroom, were asked to pay for it, and got testy. He added that the video supports that version of events.

“The police did confirm one element that’s common to all versions of the events that transpired around 6 a.m. local time this past Sunday: that the group of U.S. swimmers had a gun pointed at them. But instead of a robbery, it seems that the guns were wielded by security guards who kept the swimmers from leaving.

“Contrary to some earlier reports, the police say there was no physical violence between the swimmers and workers at the gas station who reportedly wouldn’t let the Americans leave without paying for damages.”

So who is lying?

Source:  NPR






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