Someone needs to tell the House Speaker that the basic economic principle of ‘supply and demand’ definitely applies to the workforce in America. Paul Ryan’s 2015 2,009-page omnibus spending bill had 700 pages slipped in regarding H-2B visa expansion for foreign workers. He believes that the supply of workers in the United States is not enough to make up for the demand by employers.
This is a staggering suggestion, that the unemployed workers in the United States, the marginally attached and or discouraged, would not take a seasonal job if it became available.
The supply of able bodied workers should be the first to meet the demand of these businesses, yet Ryan believes low-waged foreign earners are the ones who should take them. He has no evidence to support his claim “that corporations are facing a shortage of labor, which rendered the provision necessary.”
Read more on the next page.
You are a turncoat who does not deserve the position you were granted.
Ryan is a pos
Get rid of ryan
Sounding more and more like a liberal…
Hes a IDIOT. Fire him go back to WI and grow corn dumb ass
Ryan was no good when Obumfuck was in office. What makes you think he’s any better now
He’s getting to damn pushy. Acts like he’s
Above all the others. Acts like he’s king!
Hanging around the Dems to long.
Get him out ASAP. More problems on the
Horizon, he thinks he’s intouchable. Already
Indicated he was.
Soros also said that he thought it was funny what the Germans did to the Jews.And he wanted a race war so ISIS can take over and we would have a New World Order. And Soros has paid a lot of money to violent protesting against Trump’s supporters. Soros also supported Obama who also said he wanted a New World Order too. Hillary, Obama and want power. And we will be living like a 3rd World country were we won’t have any rights.
Paul Ryan is doing the Democrat’s work for them!!!
That’s why you hire AMERICAN WORKERS you fu..king idiot