Someone needs to tell the House Speaker that the basic economic principle of ‘supply and demand’ definitely applies to the workforce in America. Paul Ryan’s 2015 2,009-page omnibus spending bill had 700 pages slipped in regarding H-2B visa expansion for foreign workers. He believes that the supply of workers in the United States is not enough to make up for the demand by employers.
This is a staggering suggestion, that the unemployed workers in the United States, the marginally attached and or discouraged, would not take a seasonal job if it became available.
The supply of able bodied workers should be the first to meet the demand of these businesses, yet Ryan believes low-waged foreign earners are the ones who should take them. He has no evidence to support his claim “that corporations are facing a shortage of labor, which rendered the provision necessary.”
Read more on the next page.
What a JOKE!!! That ‘statement’ makes NO SENSE whatsoever!!!
B******t. Give people a break and they will have there own kids
Ryan is a traitor and needs to go
Not true. Hire our Vets
We need to get rid of all progressive Republicans !!!Ryan you got to go and take McCain with you!!!
Paul Ryan is a total asswipe. He has no loyalty to the American people, only to the new world order that he supports. It’s time t remove this POS from the Congress along with the other socialist scum that are there!
This guy Ryan, hot to go! I hope Pres. Trump wake up to the fact that Ryan first allegiance is to the liberal establishment before the country or the party.
Will someone get rid of this$#%&!@*
Paul Ryan is bought and paid for! Another one of those sick, new world order government pukes! We can do without this retard!