Recent developments in the Middle East have many concerned about the potential for the Syrian conflict to expand into a full-scale world war.
This week, after Syrian president Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against this own people, the American government destroyed the Syrian airbase from which the attacks originated. Putin, who has repeatedly demanded that Assad
Putin, who has repeatedly demanded that Assad remain in power, was quick to condemn the American retaliation. After the bombing, he claimed that the U.S. airstrikes violated the “norms of international law.”
Now, the movement of Russian warships have many observers on-edge.
It’s quite the break from the media-driven narrative of Putin-Trump collusion. But fear of Russian retaliation may be just as far-fetched.
Discover why many are worried about Russia’s plans in the region on the next page:
Mark,care to explain the jets,other aircraft,vehicles and personnel ,on your anandoned airbase?
Eric,after action reports show the based unusuable.
If you attempt to communicate with him, try barking. He may understand that.
I hope the price of Russian scrap metal is on the high side .
I’m sick of putin threatening relations, he is using that against the American people and most are playing into it.
Let’s send one ship to face the worlds lagest navy? Come putin stop being a$#%&!@*about it.
The russians do this on a regular basis to take supplies to their port in syria.
Exactly, Diane, this russian ship was already headed that way to resupply the russian port in syria.
It’s a frigate. It’s combat value on a scale of 1-10 is about a 2-3. An Arleigh Burke class destroyer could swat it out of existence like the little gnat it is. That’s if a submarine didn’t sink it before it even knew what hit it. People on average have zero knowledge of naval combat tactics and combat value of vessels. Stop posting fear mongering stories
I’d give it one minute.
Good bring it! 1 Destroyer really??? this isnt even news worthy! Russia doesnt want any of us, bunch of clowns who write this stuff!