Recent developments in the Middle East have many concerned about the potential for the Syrian conflict to expand into a full-scale world war.
This week, after Syrian president Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against this own people, the American government destroyed the Syrian airbase from which the attacks originated. Putin, who has repeatedly demanded that Assad
Putin, who has repeatedly demanded that Assad remain in power, was quick to condemn the American retaliation. After the bombing, he claimed that the U.S. airstrikes violated the “norms of international law.”
Now, the movement of Russian warships have many observers on-edge.
It’s quite the break from the media-driven narrative of Putin-Trump collusion. But fear of Russian retaliation may be just as far-fetched.
Discover why many are worried about Russia’s plans in the region on the next page:
Debatable Shawn L Pearson…
In summary, the South Dakota was bigger, heavier, protected by hardened steel armour up to a third of a metre thick and mounting huge guns. The Lamson had no armour at all, and relied solely on being a small, fast-moving target to avoid being hit. However, if the Lamson managed to get into range with her torpedoes, these could sink even a target as large and expensive as a battleship. That’s why battleships normally had a screen of destroyers around them, in order to keep enemy destroyers at a safe distance while they focussed on the opposing battleships
Big Whoop!
Destroyer meet war ship, warship meet destroy “what differents at this point does it make” John MaCain and Hillary got to eat their cake?
This was to be expected and nothing to get alarmed over. Russia is just being cautious and monitoring the situation.
This f*g believes everything he sees on the internet
Putin will try to make Trump blink, but Trump won’t blink. This was all part of the equation I am sure this was all thought out very carefully. . One frigate is not going to worry the US navy. Now is the time for diplomacy, where the Russians can save face by pressuring Assad to remove the chemical weapons. Putin knows what Trump is made of and I do not believe he wants to mess with him. I think they will try to steady the boat so Assad can stay in power and they can keep their relationship. This chemical weapon stuff is the kind of stimulus that could get Assad destroyed. That is not to Russia’s advantage, status quo is.
Ain’t google great? Nice to see you did your reading assignment for the evening.
Point being, do you really think a frigate can stand up to two DESTROYERS?
The Chinese are working on becoming a real Navel Power the Ruskies are not and will never be.
What are you talking about.