If you harbored any lingering doubts that the Cold War was alive and well, the latest development from Russia should jettison them once and for all.
According to Russian news media, the country’s military is preparing to test a missile with incredible destructive capabilities. Officially designated as the RS-28 Sarmat, the weapon is reported to be the most powerful of it’s kind ever to be made.
Dubbed the “Satan-2” by Western military officials, the missile is also said to be equipped with stealth technology that makes it impossible for missile defense forces to intercept it. This heightens concern over Russia’s intentions regarding the weapon further.
But that’s not all there is to know about the Satan-2: not only will the missile be capable of carrying as many as a dozen nuclear warheads, it will be able to fly 10,000 kilometers, easily allowing it to hit Western targets from London to Los Angeles and from Naples to New York.
Turn to the next page for more info about Russia’s terrifying new weapon:
We have enough nicks on a submarine alone to blow Rusher off the map were really scared
We will have to get rid of the Muslim wimp in the White House first.
Remind me again… where does Putin and the rest of the commi’s (including China) derive most of their income from???? The stupidity of the western world never ceases to amaze me. Trade deals between the west and the Russia / China do what to benefit us exactly? The last 25 years have done nothing but diminish the American middle class, enrich the western world’s wealthiest, and strengthened our 70 year long arch enemies. Also remind me again why Trump is doing so well? The Global elite have sold all of our long term prosperity for short term gains for themselves. That’s alright boys and girls… Times be a changing real damn soon!
Such evil weapons & people signal the ascent of hell from beneath. Obama has worked feverishly to this end, while all the time appearing as the incompetent & misguided dunce that he isn’t. The Book of Revelation gives clarity, vision & purpose to the time of global destruction in which we are living. Evil will prevail until Christ puts an end to the Antichrist. There is no political answer, or solution to preserving America. There is just a little time to live for Jesus Christ on His terms. He died for us so that we would live for Him. 2 Co 5:15 He alone is the way, the truth & the life, no one comes to the Father, except through Him. Jn 14:6 God bless you!
That’s just great.
Russia good one for Washington DC.
How bizarre they named it after my ex wife
We don’t no more
aint that cute they names it after obama
Could you drop that on the house where Obummer and his family stay….if you need the address one can be provided via Google maps.