If you harbored any lingering doubts that the Cold War was alive and well, the latest development from Russia should jettison them once and for all.
According to Russian news media, the country’s military is preparing to test a missile with incredible destructive capabilities. Officially designated as the RS-28 Sarmat, the weapon is reported to be the most powerful of it’s kind ever to be made.
Dubbed the “Satan-2” by Western military officials, the missile is also said to be equipped with stealth technology that makes it impossible for missile defense forces to intercept it. This heightens concern over Russia’s intentions regarding the weapon further.
But that’s not all there is to know about the Satan-2: not only will the missile be capable of carrying as many as a dozen nuclear warheads, it will be able to fly 10,000 kilometers, easily allowing it to hit Western targets from London to Los Angeles and from Naples to New York.
Turn to the next page for more info about Russia’s terrifying new weapon:
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Hahahaaa !! Nice….if russia runs short of oil pipes……they can use the satan 2 rockets !!!! A bonus….their stealth….nobody will know where the oil is runing !! Genious !!
This is the weapon of indignation from the bible. Putin will use this on the United States. It will deliver an EMP strike some time between now and the end of the year.
I Agree .. just be ready to head for the woods . Ive had that plan in place for years . All family members head straight down home and we meet up.down there . I no.longer have small children and we all have carry permits .
Seems to me anyone running short on anything is yourself “running short on intellectual comments”
“Using Satan rockets as oil pipes?” Unbelievable!
And everyone laughed at preppers…I’d rather be over prepared than caught with pants down…
Boy, I wish we had one a those Satan-2 missiles!
Nice to know.
Glad we have a President that puts America, at his best of interest.
We may get one before it’s over with.