As Russia heads into Syria full force, the US and the Russian politicos have wasted no time, trading propaganda. Who knows where lies the truth? The Russians say all the US has been doing is bombing the desert. The US states the Russians are doing everything but targeting ISIS.
One way to break down and cut through the manure, is to detail what we do know, take some of what they say, and apply common sense.
Obama’s big deal has been to say “We will lead from behind”, which when it comes to Syria, that has not worked. One CIA analyst, now retired, remarked Obama wanted to lay back in Syria, see if ISIS would dethrone Assad. Maybe. Then just take out ISIS – whom Obama has called the JV team.
Enter Russia and Putin. Putin said his number one priority was Assad. Not ISIS. So it makes sense that Russia is bombing not ISIS but those who are a threat to Assad – the Syrian US backed rebels.
More views on the Middle East
And You Have Been Massacuring Native Syrians In Thier Land,Plus Refugee Camps As Well. Duck Hunting Over Syria: Shootdown Russian Machine And False Premise.
yup, he wants to make it last as long as possible so he can get all his minions in PLACE!
Obama’s too much of a what pansy to comment to any fight, he will continue to leave criminals and terrorist out of Jail until the day he leaves office.
Putin is a lot more honorable to his country, than Obama could ever be to our country, stated our country, not his, he lost his right to call it his country when he started his treasonous acts and lies to the American people
Why would the want or need to lie about this???
sounds like something obama would be doing as to not hurt his brothern ISIL
No surprise there
I Love all the pro Russian sentiment that has been displayed over the last several weeks, either how “strong” a leader Putin is or how the Russians are taking charge, if you are that ignorant or stupid to what Russia represents then have fun living there jack wagons.
Dustin McGuire