As Russia heads into Syria full force, the US and the Russian politicos have wasted no time, trading propaganda. Who knows where lies the truth? The Russians say all the US has been doing is bombing the desert. The US states the Russians are doing everything but targeting ISIS.
One way to break down and cut through the manure, is to detail what we do know, take some of what they say, and apply common sense.
Obama’s big deal has been to say “We will lead from behind”, which when it comes to Syria, that has not worked. One CIA analyst, now retired, remarked Obama wanted to lay back in Syria, see if ISIS would dethrone Assad. Maybe. Then just take out ISIS – whom Obama has called the JV team.
Enter Russia and Putin. Putin said his number one priority was Assad. Not ISIS. So it makes sense that Russia is bombing not ISIS but those who are a threat to Assad – the Syrian US backed rebels.
More views on the Middle East
Obama doesn’t want to kill his buddies.
OF course..OBAMA don’t want to hurt his brothers… AND our senior Military leaders just salute while being made a mockery… Pitiful…
Obama is radical Islam! Congress has failed the American people! McCain is an idiot!
why do I have a feeling this is going to turn into a bad shitfest
Putin is super
How funny but then we’re stuck with el obama as our “commander-in-chief!
I believe it !, OBUMMERS at the helm !!
you can’t win a fight you won’t engage in, Obama.
Sounds right. In the Vietnam era we had McNamara as the head of the military forces. We could only BOMB south Vietnam and not touch the Communist North Vietnam side. When Congress ordered McNamara to use funds for weapons Mc Namara complied reluctantly and spent the money — many guns misfired, boats sank easily, planes would not fly, etc, etc because the New World Order did not want us to win, just make money off the war building the war machine and selling to both sides as the Illuminists like Rothschild’s did since the French Revolution – cause wars and profiteer off all sides). — When one commanding officer tried to keep McNamara from knowing his plans — the pilot was about to bomb the munitions plant in N Vietnam (actually on the ENEMY side) received an order from Mc Namara to drop the bombs at sea. So the pilot complied, shrewdly – he dropped the bombs into the Mekong Delta and Communist ships could not get into the river nor out to transport materials for war for many days. McNamara was furious but did not say ‘where at sea’. LOL!
Take down your Congress people…they are the ones allowing these shams…vote, vote, vote…out, out, out!