As Russia heads into Syria full force, the US and the Russian politicos have wasted no time, trading propaganda. Who knows where lies the truth? The Russians say all the US has been doing is bombing the desert. The US states the Russians are doing everything but targeting ISIS.
One way to break down and cut through the manure, is to detail what we do know, take some of what they say, and apply common sense.
Obama’s big deal has been to say “We will lead from behind”, which when it comes to Syria, that has not worked. One CIA analyst, now retired, remarked Obama wanted to lay back in Syria, see if ISIS would dethrone Assad. Maybe. Then just take out ISIS – whom Obama has called the JV team.
Enter Russia and Putin. Putin said his number one priority was Assad. Not ISIS. So it makes sense that Russia is bombing not ISIS but those who are a threat to Assad – the Syrian US backed rebels.
More views on the Middle East
Have all Americans died?
Why is obummer hussein still in WH ruling you and not in the place he deserves??
Our president is a lying fcking scumbag …. i wish he would drop dead on his own accord…and especially in front of his wife and kids…
We need to find capable, Godly, Honest men who hate bribes and appoint them as Judges for the American people. Godly people is our only hope to save America. Obama is helping out Anti Godly people like drug dealers coming out of jail. Radical African Negros who have listen to Obama saying whites in America are the reason why Negros can’t get.a good education or a job. Now if I was a smart American Blackman. I would understand that no one can do anything until Obama ok getting new jobs started money for education and more. But then again a lot of your African Negros don’t care if Obama does help them or not. Because they want TO cause fights,burn build and the very area they live in. Obama thinking to the Negros is its easier to cause trouble and get things for free. Why learn to read When it’s easier to earn your money for free with Obama around look at Chicago south end.
probably..that’s our government for you
Not too mention the Jordanians killed 7000+ ISIS members in 3 days. When asked for more planes, obama denied them off course.
No surprise here . I would believe them before I
Would the Liar-in-Chief !!!
would not surprise me at all
I wander if any of the media is telling us the truth.
Good news! According to my college history professor, God and the Russians always win.
Duh! Why would this administration bomb its own rented army?