The new cold war gets a bit more chilling. A Russian intelligence-gathering ship was spotted recently near a vessel contracted by the American-owned Shell Oil Company as it was exploring for oil in the Arctic.
Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis confirmed the sighting, adding that no U.S. defense assets were deployed in response, though American subs are known to monitor ships of opposing nations when they are in proximity to U.S. assets. Read more skullduggery on the next page:
One word , Obama
The Cold War is heating up again.
Warn it to move on. If they refuse, put a shot across there bow, if the still refuse, (which they won’t) sing them.
why is it so obvious to us..and no one else..obama offensive to the whole world and the ones who support him and back him
We are at war obama’s dark secret
People please stop believing the lies of the Scottish Rite Freemasons. They were the ones whom thru Socialism ,Marxism , Communism and Democracy have manipulated you with their lies.
Very dangerous
The USA has become a punching bag for other countries because of the week minded people who are in charge now.The other countries no longer see the USA as a strong force but rather a weakness run by incompetent leadership.
It’s because he knows we have a sissy for a president and a goofball for a VP