The Kremlin is getting nervous and all indications are that they are tense because of the possibility that U.S. superpower status is on the verge of being proven.
On the cusp of a very bizarre warning by Vladimir Putin just this week comes a brand new apocalyptic announcement by members of the military establishment in Russia.
The new warning is both bold and frightening, if not a bit overdramatic. In essence, Moscow officials are stating that any use of nuclear aggression on the part of the United States against North Korea will be swiftly met with a matching Russian strike of nuclear weapons against the United States.
Frants Klintsevich, the first deputy chairman of the defence committee in the Federation Council is of the opinion that newly appointed American generals and political decision makers are “dizzy” with their newfound power and are wielding that power in the form of saber-rattling.
His remarks came on the heels of U.S. Admiral Harry Harris, commander of the Pacific basin forces, who attended a Congressional hearing on the status of tensions in North Korea. Harris noted that there was no doubt in his mind that the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, was seeking to tip his missiles with nuclear warhead capability in order to ultimately strike the United States.
Pretty strong words from the Trump administration which have now been met with very strong words from the Kremlin.
Moscow officials have vowed to provide “the toughest possible response” to any U.S. aggression and with a targeted strike on North Korea seeming just moments away, all-out war between America and Russia is a reality.
Lieutenant General Viktor Posnikhir went on to talk about our missile defense bases in Europe under the auspices that we were specifically targeting Russia and its allies with our armament.
Read his remarks on the following page.
And you say that without laughing?
The Treasonous Muslim Obama and Hillary’s$#%&!@*is in the market for prison.
They will need alot of KY.
Along with many of their Anti-American operatives and Liberal minions.
The entire perverted DNC machine is going down!
The Treasonous Muslim snake Obama sent BILLIONS to Radical Islamist and his Muslim Brotherhood not to mention Hillary and tons of weapon grade plutonium.
Like the investigation now of the Treasonous Muslim Obama’s collusion with his Muslim Brotherhood and America’s enemy #1 Iran!? Spying on American citizens! We got your worthless Islamist$#%&!@*now!
Liberals and Progressives…..
Your type will never see the inside of the White House again, at least while America is still America.
True good Americans have come to see what true poisonous snakes today’s Liberals and Progressives are.
You degenerates will never learn.
You lost over 1000 seats this election and will lose many more the next.
The Liberal beating will continue until we hear no more squealing.
With the Uranium Hillary sold them??
No one can win .so putty needs to take a powder.
That would be such a smart thing to do. Lets destroy the world cause your butt hurt duh!! Not going to happen.
Make sure you get Hillary and obama with the uranium they helped you get !! Just to prove karma is a bitch
Really asswipe, you go ahead. You may get alot of us but you will get wiped off the planet then those of us who are left will come over there and make sure you are gone!!!
sound toffee please don’t do it we r good jjjjaaaa !!!!