The Kremlin is getting nervous and all indications are that they are tense because of the possibility that U.S. superpower status is on the verge of being proven.
On the cusp of a very bizarre warning by Vladimir Putin just this week comes a brand new apocalyptic announcement by members of the military establishment in Russia.
The new warning is both bold and frightening, if not a bit overdramatic. In essence, Moscow officials are stating that any use of nuclear aggression on the part of the United States against North Korea will be swiftly met with a matching Russian strike of nuclear weapons against the United States.
Frants Klintsevich, the first deputy chairman of the defence committee in the Federation Council is of the opinion that newly appointed American generals and political decision makers are “dizzy” with their newfound power and are wielding that power in the form of saber-rattling.
His remarks came on the heels of U.S. Admiral Harry Harris, commander of the Pacific basin forces, who attended a Congressional hearing on the status of tensions in North Korea. Harris noted that there was no doubt in his mind that the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, was seeking to tip his missiles with nuclear warhead capability in order to ultimately strike the United States.
Pretty strong words from the Trump administration which have now been met with very strong words from the Kremlin.
Moscow officials have vowed to provide “the toughest possible response” to any U.S. aggression and with a targeted strike on North Korea seeming just moments away, all-out war between America and Russia is a reality.
Lieutenant General Viktor Posnikhir went on to talk about our missile defense bases in Europe under the auspices that we were specifically targeting Russia and its allies with our armament.
Read his remarks on the following page.
Wow a bit dilusional. Trump is standing tall while the democrats are scramblibg and tripping over themselves because their crime spree is about to poor wittle libs
Last night, the New York Times broke the news that Trump directly asked FBI Director James Comey to stop investigating his administration’s ties to Michael Flynn — and when Comey didn’t comply, Trump fired him.
The written memo from Comey detailing this encounter with Trump, combined with Donald Trump’s own words over the past several weeks, together form clear, indisputable proof that Trump has obstructed justice and thereby committed impeachable offenses. He must face the consequences of his actions.
A new survey by Public Policy Polling shows that the public agrees: 48% of Americans now think that Donald Trump should be impeached, versus only 41% who disagree.
Those are incredible numbers, and they come on the heels of a recent NBC/ Wall Street Journal poll showing Trump’s approval rating sinking to a new low of 36 percent — with just 31 percent of Americans believing he’s honest. Public support for Trump has all but disappeared.
House Republicans must put country before party right now, and join with House Democrats to begin the process toward Trump’s impeachment — or they run the risk of going down with Trump’s sinking ship.
We can put an end to the Trump administration now, but only if we can pressure the House to act. Please sign my petition with Democracy for America and tell Congress to investigate and impeach Donald Trump.
Trump’s statements last week about his firing of former FBI director James Comey — and the recently-surfaced memo Comey wrote documenting Trump’s interference in his investigation — provide ample evidence that Trump engaged in an obstruction of justice, a major charge in impeachment proceedings brought against Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.
Here’s what we know:
Last Thursday, in an interview with NBC News’s Lester Holt about his firing of Comey, Trump said: “I was going to fire him regardless of recommendation.” Trump said that he had pressed Comey during a private dinner to tell him if he was under investigation. And now, we know that Trump specifically told Comey to end the investigation a day after Flynn resigned.
Trump conceded that the ongoing investigation into Russian influence on the 2016 election, which includes a probe into the possibility that Moscow was coordinating with the Trump campaign, was one of the factors Trump considered before firing Comey.
“In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won,’ ” Trump said.
The law is reasonably clear. If Trump removed Comey to avoid being investigated, that’s an obstruction of justice – an impeachable offense.
On Friday, Trump tweeted that Comey “better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”
Here, the law is also clear. Seeking to silence, intimidate or even influence someone who is likely to offer evidence in a congressional or criminal proceeding is also an obstruction of justice – and an impeachable offense.
The question is no longer whether there are grounds to impeach Donald Trump. The question is when enough Republicans will put their loyalty to America ahead of their loyalty to their party.
If we can make enough House Republicans fear for their jobs, they could turn on Trump — but it is going to take a groundswell of public outrage to force them to do the right thing.
The whole world is laughing at the United States. trumkp has done more to help our progressive agenda than five years of Education could ever have done. People are saying ” We gave the Republicans, the House, the Senate and the White House and look at how they’ve screwed it up.” We need to go in another direction and give the Democratic Progressives or an independent President a chance.
F**e news.
More f**e news!
Unfollowing this BS of a page
This article is totally B******t and left wing propaganda as everything else we are seeing from the left. They are doing and saying anything they can put on the internet to blame others for what they doing, as we see it every day all day long on news media and internet of Negativity and false propaganda!!!!!
Blah blah blah
You know what isn’t f**e news? Republicans trying to raise retirement age to 69, and cutting medicare for seniors.