The Kremlin is getting nervous and all indications are that they are tense because of the possibility that U.S. superpower status is on the verge of being proven.
On the cusp of a very bizarre warning by Vladimir Putin just this week comes a brand new apocalyptic announcement by members of the military establishment in Russia.
The new warning is both bold and frightening, if not a bit overdramatic. In essence, Moscow officials are stating that any use of nuclear aggression on the part of the United States against North Korea will be swiftly met with a matching Russian strike of nuclear weapons against the United States.
Frants Klintsevich, the first deputy chairman of the defence committee in the Federation Council is of the opinion that newly appointed American generals and political decision makers are “dizzy” with their newfound power and are wielding that power in the form of saber-rattling.
His remarks came on the heels of U.S. Admiral Harry Harris, commander of the Pacific basin forces, who attended a Congressional hearing on the status of tensions in North Korea. Harris noted that there was no doubt in his mind that the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, was seeking to tip his missiles with nuclear warhead capability in order to ultimately strike the United States.
Pretty strong words from the Trump administration which have now been met with very strong words from the Kremlin.
Moscow officials have vowed to provide “the toughest possible response” to any U.S. aggression and with a targeted strike on North Korea seeming just moments away, all-out war between America and Russia is a reality.
Lieutenant General Viktor Posnikhir went on to talk about our missile defense bases in Europe under the auspices that we were specifically targeting Russia and its allies with our armament.
Read his remarks on the following page.
The only reason$#%&!@*putin said that is because he knows we are not going to nuke the North Koreans. We would wipe out South Korea too. Big talk for a country living on food stamps.
This is not anything why would we nuke north korea at all it won’t take nukes to beat them if they launched a nuke the world would be after them
F**e news
Le patron
Obama the bastard left the USA in a position to be defeated.
What a f**e story. You can see where Putin’s name is copied in a different font. Secondly we wouldn’t need nukes against North Korea.
F**e news. Tell me and explain what is the strategic objective? To which you might want to try again.
Joel 4Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
4 (3) “For then, at that time, when I restore
the fortunes of Y’hudah and Yerushalayim,
2 I will gather all nations and bring them down
to the Valley of Y’hoshafat [Adonai judges].
I will enter into judgment there
for my people, my heritage Isra’el,
whom they scattered among the nations;
then they divided my land.
3 They drew lots for my people,
traded boys for whores,
sold girls for wine to drink.
4 “Moreover, what have you against me,
Tzor, Tzidon, all parts of P’leshet?
Are you paying me back for something I did?
If you’re paying me back for something I did,
then easily, quickly, I’ll pay you back
right on your own head.
5 You took my silver and gold.
You brought my good treasures into your temples.
6 The people of Y’hudah and Yerushalayim
you sold to the Greeks, so that you could remove them
far away from their land.
7 I will rouse them from the place where you sold them
and pay you back right on your own head —
8 I will sell your sons and daughters
to the people of Y’hudah;
and they will sell them to the men of Sh’va,
a nation far off; for Adonai has spoken.
9 “Proclaim this among the nations:
‘Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors!
Let all the fighting men approach and attack.’
10 Hammer your plow-blades into swords
and your pruning-knives into spears.
Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’
11 Hurry, come, you surrounding nations,
gather yourselves together!”
Bring your warriors down, Adonai!
12 “Let the nations be roused and come up
to the Valley of Y’hoshafat [Adonai judges].
For there I will sit to judge
all the surrounding nations.”
13 Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe;
come, and tread, for the winepress is full.
The vats are overflowing,
for their wickedness is great.
14 Such enormous crowds
in the Valley of Decision!
For the Day of Adonai is upon us
in the Valley of Decision!
15 The sun and moon have grown black,
and the stars have stopped shining.
16 Adonai will roar from Tziyon,
he will thunder from Yerushalayim,
So The Russian Conspiracy Theory is fading fast and now they are going to try to Set up the LIe Our Great President is Unfit. Tell a lie long enough people start to belive it. Especially the leftist sheeple. smsh.
Stop with the shenanigans . Just because you can doesn’t mean you should