According to reports by Russian media, Russian marines clashed with ISIS in Syria on Sunday, near Latakia. This confrontation occurred as they attempted to attack an airbase operated by Russian military. It was also reported that the ISIS fighters had a detailed plan of their airbase and satellite imagery, which is strange, considering the fact that Russia has only been on that base for the past week. With that kind of intelligence, it’s making some wonder who exactly is providing it.
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…..because ISIS are America made !
Because he loves his country more than he loves himself!
Because someone has a set of BALL’S!
Because ISIS/ISIL are the rebels Obama is backing.
Because Putin is a man and Obama is a$#%&!@*
The so called rebels have sworn allegiance to Isis. Why would we back them? And Obama has been looking for a way to get involved in Syria for some time now but there has been too much push back. Remember the military saying they wouldn’t be al queada’s air force?
Go ahead and respond Fred. Are the members of the military just a bunch of tea bagger racists? What about the 50+ intelligence agents filing complaints that their reports are being changed in order to cover up the real story? Must just be mad that Obama is black right?
Real men ride girly bikes with helmets right?
A.J., when that same man pees all over “your” so called man(more like nanny) and tells him to cram it in Syria after a Red Line fiasco, then ya-he’s the one! Obama prefers an army of$#%&!@*s while Putin actuall uses trained troops. Good thing we have good young me willing to stand tall and do the job, because Obama would prefer his army would play patsies in the bushes!