According to reports by Russian media, Russian marines clashed with ISIS in Syria on Sunday, near Latakia. This confrontation occurred as they attempted to attack an airbase operated by Russian military. It was also reported that the ISIS fighters had a detailed plan of their airbase and satellite imagery, which is strange, considering the fact that Russia has only been on that base for the past week. With that kind of intelligence, it’s making some wonder who exactly is providing it.
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Get them!! Obama gonna get mad thou
Because obozo is in bed with isis!
Way to go, about time someone Doe something. Obama doing nothing
Because unlike Obama, Putin actually cares what happens to the world and his country.
Not one minority in Russia? LMAO Looks at em…
i see a overwhelming amount of stupid on here.
Because Obama understands this religious war has been going on over there for thousands of years and we don’t need to be drawn into it again. He got us out of Bush’s war and we need to stay out.
Bush created ISIS. Obama understands this religious war has been going on over there for thousands of years and we don’t need to be drawn into it again. He got us out of Bush’s war and we need to stay out.
Obama understands this religious war has been going on over there for thousands of years and we don’t need to be drawn into it again. He got us out of Bush’s war and we need to stay out.
I think Obama is part of ISIS