A Russian warplane again buzzed a U.S. Navy warship, playing chicken and aggressively posturing to show a disdain for the U.S. and a lack of concern that we would be willing to take action against the arrogant display. That may be justified, since President Obama is essentially unable to project military power after being such a critic of previous U.S. military actions and activities. It would also enrage his base of far-left peaceniks who are sure that every military confrontation is the fault of the U.S., and that we are nothing more than a military-industrial colonialist, seeking to expand our reach and control of the world.
This latest provocation shows how dangerous it is to passively ignore such maneuvers, with each action becoming more overt and dangerous. The recent rising tensions between Moscow and Washington, with a foundation in the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, are also magnified by the desire of Russia’s Vladimir Putin to reestablish the military and geopolitical might of Russia.
The photos and videos on the following page show just how aggressive and dangerous this latest fly-by was.
See shocking videos on page 2:
You are so stupid
Is the message “hey Russia lets have a nuclear war and destroy the world in the process” fckn idiot
He’s having fun of Obamas cowardice and incompetence as our so called president ! Just proving to America just how deep of a$#%&!@*hole we are in
Starting a war with Russia is a bad idea .Obama didn’t go to talk to Putin about about peace or how their doing in Russia with assimilated Syrian issues
send up flack first time bullets thereafter
They are provoking us into firing on them thus starting something
Blow them out of the sky !
If you want to take out ISIS…eventually you have to go after the hand that feeds them.
Hey man it’s like this now listen Russia is at war with Muslims and oboma is a Muslim puttin doesn’t see a difference but hey boys will be boys