There’s been quite a bit of news coming out of Russia in regards to new weapons that have either been completed or are in the works. Up until now, the most troubling of these weapons has been the nuclear submarine drone they’re working on, but now a Russian company has successfully tested A.I. software capable of undertaking decisions on the battlefield without any human intervention.
This sounds familiar. If you’ve ever seen the Terminator franchise, they tried something similar, and it didn’t exactly work out well. And it started with the same thing the United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation is trying to create, civilian robots with enough artificial intelligence to perform complicated tasks on their own.
Read more about these robots on the next page.
Jacob you have bad attitude, You hate Christians I see? There’s a Hot place in Hell! With your name on it!!!
The sad thing is America’s new f35 fighter jet could not hold a candle to Russia’s megs. They did dogfight simulations with the F 17 against the new F 35 it was like putting a Corvette against a Maserati. The navy told obama they were junk but he said too bad we already sold the F 17th to Iran go figure!
Jacob.. you have a nice Christian name your parents gave you.
To bad you were dropped on your head and mentally and physically broken.
You must be on disability. I hear Obama has funded a brain mapping project. Who knows, it might rehabilitate you. Good luck.
p.s. Don’t forget.. your disability isn’t visible so if you do tread onto someone’s property with intention to harm… the right to end you is justifiable.
Lol we will all be dead soon don’t worry. Then you can deal with the wrath of god:)
No I won’t I’ll just feed the universe that iam made from.
Jacob you’re not worth the air your breathing.
I agree I’m worth more. You’re not worth the education I Americans paid for
I know I’m worth more. You’re not worth the education America has paid for
Obozo trying to ground the A10’s too.
@Jacob…you sound just like an Obozo flunkie. If any shooting does start you will be found hiding and sniveling somewhere.