“Diplomacy” used to be every Democrats answer to a foreign policy problem. War was never an option, refusing to negotiate was a sin, and every international disagreement could be solved by simply talking about it.
Donald Trump is no isolationist, but he’s taken a page from the diplomacy playbook, suggesting that closer ties to Russia — plus the traditional use of military force — could help solve some of the Middle East’s most stubborn issues.
Trump’s middle-of-the-road stance may appear to please men and women on both sides of the isle, but that hasn’t stopped the attacks. Particularly, he’s since aroused the angers of the political elite.
According to one Russian news personality, those “attacks” may soon become much more than simply talk.
See what the top Russian broadcaster said could happen to Donald Trump should he continue to call for better Russian-American relations on the next page:
He is the mass corruption. He has said that when he donates money he expects something. All b you idiots Trump supporters did was to ensure a Hillary Clinton presidency. For the first time in my life I’m going to vote non Republican and it’s a shame but Hilary is by far that most sane inmate at the asylum.
Maybe he better bring his double out .
Here’s a revelation for you. I wonder if you would say the same thing if Cruz was where Trump is at . Or even Johnson. It has nothing to do with Trump or his supporters. It has everything to do with the bias of the media, the sponsors, the lies that are told, the corruption that is ignored, the actual crimes that are committed to silence those who would expose, the fraud that is being proven, and skewed poll numbers that give the impression that she is leading, That’s what will get Hillary possibly elected. More voters turned out for Trump than any candidate up there because they are tired of both sides of the establishment who have done nothing for the citizens of the U.S. for over 40 years. Those who cry and stay home because they refuse to support the people choice, Trump, are the ones who will be blamed for Hillary getting elected. Just like when Obama got elected his second term . So get a clue.
I think everybody agrees little stevie is an idiot. case closed.
Jeffrey Hale All Trump wants is to Get back to An Obligation that Every American Citizen was to do’ and That’s Work and Contribute to our Country’ for our Country to do the Right things for Our People, not continue allowing Refugees in our Country, when this Administration Can’t put back to Work, 94 million on our overloaded Welfare System’ that should be what All of us want!
I wouldn’t doubt it..
I pray he remains safe ..
If this ever happens, and I truly hope it does not, we will kNOW who did it. The Beast.
I have been concerned about that since he first started in the race . Please God keep Mr. Trump safe.