“Diplomacy” used to be every Democrats answer to a foreign policy problem. War was never an option, refusing to negotiate was a sin, and every international disagreement could be solved by simply talking about it.
Donald Trump is no isolationist, but he’s taken a page from the diplomacy playbook, suggesting that closer ties to Russia — plus the traditional use of military force — could help solve some of the Middle East’s most stubborn issues.
Trump’s middle-of-the-road stance may appear to please men and women on both sides of the isle, but that hasn’t stopped the attacks. Particularly, he’s since aroused the angers of the political elite.
According to one Russian news personality, those “attacks” may soon become much more than simply talk.
See what the top Russian broadcaster said could happen to Donald Trump should he continue to call for better Russian-American relations on the next page:
He’s cleaning house
If anything happens to him you can thank the Government
You mean so you can kill him and blame it on the Russians.
You are such a racist pig
Melissa Baker Hoover
God will not let that happen They threatened comeys life and his family that’s the reason he came out on Sunday They can’t hurt Trump He’s not afraid God sent his angelic force To watch over him
And exactly why would they want to do that???
Freedom is worth fighting for !
Lol…. Puttin said he would attack us if Hillary Clinton gets office why not not Trump dumb assess he said that would be the smart choice Puttin doesn’t really care he knows Hillary Clinton is week