“Diplomacy” used to be every Democrats answer to a foreign policy problem. War was never an option, refusing to negotiate was a sin, and every international disagreement could be solved by simply talking about it.
Donald Trump is no isolationist, but he’s taken a page from the diplomacy playbook, suggesting that closer ties to Russia — plus the traditional use of military force — could help solve some of the Middle East’s most stubborn issues.
Trump’s middle-of-the-road stance may appear to please men and women on both sides of the isle, but that hasn’t stopped the attacks. Particularly, he’s since aroused the angers of the political elite.
According to one Russian news personality, those “attacks” may soon become much more than simply talk.
See what the top Russian broadcaster said could happen to Donald Trump should he continue to call for better Russian-American relations on the next page:
Hillary. First
The other candidates are sore losers and need to grow up! After the way they acted, I’m glad they didn’t win! They’ve had their hands in the cookie jar too long!
The other candidates are sore losers and need to grow up! After the way they acted, I’m glad they didn’t win! They’ve had their hands in the cookie jar too long!
Donald Trump is a threat to the new world order. There aim is full socialism. Venezuela has socialism look what it has done to the country. The government has padded there own pockets. And left the people to fend for themselves. They are now forced to work in on large farms if they want to eat. This is what hillary wants for the USA. We will turn into a third world country.
God Bless America & praying for Mr Trump safety.
We need Trump put in a safe place until after the election!!!!!!!! Give him lots of security, we need him !!!!
Donald J. Trump WILL BE our next president. KEEP THE FAITH
It is already rigged. In CA, the governor (Brown) signed that anyone can vote, no ID required…..this in itself is illegal. Many states are following suit. Ballots have been found dumped in fields, the Clintons already have rigged machines in 23 states and Soros has 16 under his machine’s control. There is no room for an honest voting in this election. The majority wins – and we, the people, have the populous votes – HE WILL LANDSLIDE INTO THE OVAL OFFICE AND AMERICA WILL BE DELIGHTED. Hillary is out……no matter what the Electoral College or these corrupt elites want…….
Government establishment needs to remember if they were to take out Trump a revolutionary war would ensue in this country and the American people would remove the treasonous trash in Washington. Be warned corrupt must be removed at all cost,